From November 14-17, 2022, the second network-wide event and mid-term project review meeting with the Project Officer of the MSCA ETN AUTOBarge project took place at Chalmers in Gothenburg.
The first day (November 14th, 2022) consisted of technical training sessions for the ESRs. The planned technical training sessions provided the ESRs with insights into Ship Resistance and Energy Consumption, Human Factors of Maritime Automation, and Handling Thick and Rich Data.
Days 2 and 3 of this network-wide event consisted of providing a progress report to the consortium, further fine-tuning the technical tracks in the work packages, and different meetings with the REA Project Officer.
The final day consisted of more technical training sessions for the ESRs. These sessions provided the ESRs insights into Maritime Analytic Framework, and Port Collaborative Decision Making.
The detailed agenda of this AUTOBarge network-wide event 2 can be found here.
Read more about our event on Chalmers website.
Want to know more? Find out about an ESR’s perspective of this network-wide event which will be published soon.