KU Leuven is the largest university in Belgium and a LERU Charter member. It had > 540 European research projects in FP7 (2007-2013) and was 6th in the league of HES institutions participating in FP7. In Horizon 2020, KU Leuven currently has more than 450 approved projects, and is in 11th place for European institutions hosting ERC grants. To date, over 100 ERC Grantees confirm that KU Leuven is a breeding ground and attractive destination for the world’s best researchers. The success in the FP7 and Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions is a manifestation of the three pillars of KU Leuven: research, education and service to society. In Horizon 2020, KU Leuven is involved in 82 Innovative Training Networks, ranking it as first institution of higher education with regard to number of MSCA-ITNs.
KU Leuven’s Intelligent Mobile Platform (IMP) group is a multi-disciplinary and multi-campus research group with a focus on the intelligent design and control of the mobile platforms of the future. The envisaged applications domains are transport, healthcare and residential. Research topics include autonomous shipping, robots for health and low cost indoor localization.
The M-Group KU Leuven professors (http://iiw.kuleuven.be/Bruges/groep-m/) are leading experts in dependable mechatronic systems. Key competences include mission- and safety-critical systems, fault-tolerant design, software coding, EMC, sensor networks as well as machine systems and control. KU Leuven hosts at its campus in Bruges two innovation labs on “The Industry 4.0 Machine as Cyber-Physical System” and “The Ultimate Factory”, respectively.