Filled positions
ESR10 – Safety assurance of remotely operated and fully autonomous inland vessels
Host institution: KU Leuven (BE)
Project title/WP: Safety assurance of remotely operated and fully autonomous inland vessels (WP3)
Supervisory board: Prof. D. Pissoort (KU Leuven, BE), Dr. V. Reppa (TU Delft, NL), E. el Amam (RHM, NL)
- Develop a generic safety case template based on the SACM v2.0 argumentation language
- Integrate the principles of Functional Safety with those of Safety-of-the-Intended-Function as well as Run-Time Risk Management to guarantee safe nominal behaviour of remotely operated and autonomous inland vessels
Expected Results:
- Structured methodology for the argumentation, supported by evidence, to justify that a remotely operated or autonomous inland vessel is designed such that its behavior is acceptably safe when being put into service
- Fully documented and compelling safety-case for remotely operated and autonomous inland vessels
Planned secondment(s):
- TU Delft (NL): Collaboration towards joint publication on how to include fault diagnosis of sensor faults and sensor limitations into a safety case of autonomous vessels (M28-30, secondment mentor: V. Reppa)
- RHM (NL): Application of generic safety-case structure for autonomous inland vessels to an industrial use-case (M36-38, secondment mentor: E. el Amam)
Enrolment in the Doctoral degree: KU Leuven (BE)