Host institution: KM (NO)
Project title/WP: Scenario-based Model Predictive Control for collision avoidance and traffic control of autonomous ships in inland waterways (WP2)
Supervisory board: Prof. T. A. Johansen (NTNU, NO), Prof. P. Slaets (KU Leuven, BE), Dr. B. Vik (KM, NO)
- Develop scenario-based model predictive control algorithm for COLREGS compliant collision avoidance for autonomous ships in open and coastal waters
- Extend the scenario-based model predictive control methodology to provide safe and efficient control in confined spaces that are typical for inland waterways where high traffic density where narrow passages, local traffic patterns and the dynamic constraints of own and other ships needs to be accounted for
Expected Results:
- Scenario-based model predictive control algorithm extended towards inland shipping
- Scenario-based model predictive control algorithm in compliance with traffic rules in autonomous inland shipping, including narrow rivers and canals, as well as harbor/ terminal areas
Planned secondment(s):
- NTNU (NO): Learn about latest state-of-the-art of model predictive control and collision avoidance in coastal environments (M10-12, secondment mentor: T. A. Johansen)
- CUT (SE): Discuss extension of the scenario-based control algorithms towards multiple objectives (M28-30 secondment mentor: W. Mao)
Enrolment in the Doctoral degree: NTNU (NO)