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The Marie Curie Doctoral Grant and Why You Shouldn’t Miss Out

Who am I?

Greetings, fellow researchers who are aspiring to start your journey as a Ph.D. candidate! I am Dhanika, a proud Marie Curie Ph.D. scholar navigating the fascinating realms of autonomous collision avoidance for inland waterway surface vessels. As an Early-Stage Researcher of the project AUTOBarge, I am hosted by Kongsberg Maritime AS, Norway as an industrial Ph.D. candidate and affiliated to Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). With this article, I wish to introduce the prestigious Marie Curie Doctoral Grant and why it should be a priority in your Ph.D. applications.

The Marie Curie Doctoral Grant is offered by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), an organization created by the European Union (EU) to strengthen Europe’s research and innovation potential through its commitment to fostering the careers of exceptional researchers. At the doctoral level, MSCA supports distinct initiatives known as Doctoral Networks. These networks consist of collaborations between universities and other partners, pooling their resources to provide distinctive doctoral training and research prospects within a specialized field. These Doctoral Networks subsequently recruit Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs), meaning doctoral candidates, to investigate the various research objectives that led to the establishment of these networks. Each ESR will be hosted by one of the participating institutions in the Doctoral Network which is known as the host institution.

Why does it stand out?

There are numerous grants and scholarships that fund doctoral research around the world. In fact, most universities even have their own funding mechanisms designed to attract and support talented researchers. However, in my opinion I believe that the Marie Curie Doctoral Grant stands out due to multiple reasons. Allow me to outline a few of them concisely as follows:

Marie Curie Doctoral Grant is an exciting opportunity for you who are looking to pursue Ph.D. studies. While it is true that entering a Doctoral Network under the grant involves a rigorous screening process, the opportunities it offers far surpass the efforts required for selection. Best of luck with your application!

An article by Dhanika Mahipala.