Host institution: TU Delft (NL)
Project title/WP: Fault diagnosis for safe control and coordination of inland waterway interconnected systems (WP2)
Supervisory board: Dr. V. Reppa (TU Delft, NL), Prof. R.R. Negenborn (TU Delft, NL), Prof. D. Pissoort (KU Leuven, BE), P. Van Terwisga (DAMEN, NL)
- Design of model-based fault diagnosis method for inland waterway interconnected systems
- Verification of the developed model-based fault diagnosis method through rigorous theoretical analysis and exhaustive simulations
- Validation of the developed model-based fault diagnosis applied to a real-world case study in a river-canal
Expected Results:
- Software-based agents designed to diagnose multiple faults taking into account the interconnections between various inland waterway systems, and modeling uncertainties including among other environmental disturbances (e.g. wind, current, water depth), sensor noise, modelling errors, parametric uncertainty
- Consideration of worst-case bounds on modeling uncertainties, several fault profiles and the performance properties of close-loop system operation and planning.
Planned secondment(s):
- KU Leuven (BE): Investigate how the basic concepts of safety assessment can be incorporated in a fault diagnosis framework (M18-20, secondment mentor: D. Pissoort)
- DAMEN (NL): Formulate one or more case studies (e.g. situational awareness systems, (un)docking systems) to test the fault diagnosis algorithms and verify their performance (M30-32, secondment mentor: P. Van Terwisga)
Enrolment in the Doctoral degree: TU Delft Graduate School (NL)